Ubiquitous, low-cost, broadband technology that offers a download speed < 24Mbps with an upload speed < 2.5Mps. But crucially, ADSL degrades over distance so the further your business is from the BT exchange the slower ADSL will run.
ADSL2+ Annex M is the one to go for.
ADSL runs over normal PSTN copper telephone wiring (provisioned separately) and can share the circuit with a telephone. All copper based services degrade with distance so the longer the wire from the exchange the slower ADSL will run. It is common for the actual line speed to be only a fraction of the advertised headline speed. ADSL is being replaced by FTTC/FTTP products across the UK, but it is still used when fibre infrastructure is not possible.
There are various flavours of ADSL in the market but the best for business is ADSL2+ Annex M. This has a download speed <24Mb with an upload speed <2.5Mb. ADSL is being replaced by FTTC/FTTP products across the UK, but it is still used when fibre infrastructure is not possible. If that still isn’t enough speed the next step up is Bonding.
The asymmetric nature of ADSL with download running up to 10 times faster than upload makes it suitable for Web surfing and OK for email. However, it is not so good when you need outbound bandwidth for VPN, remote access, Intranets or cloud based services including SaaS, online backup and SIP Trunks.
LineBroker will search out the best technology at your exchange and provide both speed estimates and costs.